Метрополитън опера
"Бохеми" от Пучини, с Лучано Павароти и Рената Ското
Английският национален балет
"Ромео и Жулиета"
Балет Бежар - Лозана
"Пиаф" от Морис Бежар, по музика на Едит Пиаф
Цирк дьо Солей - нов запис всеки петък
Зад кулисите на Luzia
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group is a world leader in live entertainment. Since its inception in 1984, more than 378 million people around the world have been inspired by its artistry. Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group aims to positively impact people across generations and communities around the globe with its most important tools, creativity, and art. In addition to producing world-renowned circus arts shows, the company brings its creative approach to a large variety of entertainment forms, such as multimedia productions, immersive experiences, and special events. Cirque du Soleil's performances blend acrobatics, theater, dance, visual arts, costumes, and original music compositions. Going beyond its various creations, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group’s commitment to positive impact aligns with its belief in the power of creativity and art to inspire, uplift, and connect people.
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group is a world leader in live entertainment. Since its inception in 1984, more than 378 million people around the world have been inspired by its artistry. Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group aims to positively impact people across generations and communities around the globe with its most important tools, creativity, and art. In addition to producing world-renowned circus arts shows, the company brings its creative approach to a large variety of entertainment forms, such as multimedia productions, immersive experiences, and special events. Cirque du Soleil's performances blend acrobatics, theater, dance, visual arts, costumes, and original music compositions. Going beyond its various creations, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group’s commitment to positive impact aligns with its belief in the power of creativity and art to inspire, uplift, and connect people.
Държавен музикален и балетен център - 11:00 ч.
65 години Христо Сарафов
Държавна опера – Пловдив - 13:00 ч.
"Фалстаф" от Верди
диригент – Павел Балев, гост-солисти: Кирил Манолов и Марияна Пенчева
Биг бенд на Българското национално радио - 14:00 ч.
Солист Николас Симион, диригент Антони Дончев
Симфониета Враца - 18:00 ч.
Моцарт – Концерт за цигулка и оркестър № 4
Ботезини – Гран дуо концертанте
Диригент: Марк Кадин
Две различни партита онлайн ще зарадват почитателите на "Депеш Мод"
Black Celebration Night - 21:00 ч.
Live Stream: Depeche Mode Eve - Anton Hristov & Martin Mihaylov - 20:00 ч.
Хумор и Балкански нрави в съвременното изкуство! - 16:00 ч. - 18:00 ч.
Онлайн лекция от галерия Little Bird Place.
Билети: www.artandculture.today
От днес институт "Сервантес" стартира платформа за класическо испанско кино.
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